Friday, April 25, 2014

A list of 20 uses for coconut oil

I have started using coconut oil in my baking to replace butter and it has been wonderful.

The more I researched it though, the more I realized coconut oil can be used in so much more than just cooking.

Here is a list of 20 uses for coconut oil:

1. On the skin as a lotion.

2. As an eye make up remover.

3. To prevent stretch mars during pregnancy.

4. On toast instead of butter.

5. Facial scrub - Combine coconut oil with Himalayan crystal salt and apply to face each night. Washing it off is optional.

6. Body Scrub - Combine coconut oil and sugar.

7. Homemade Lip balm  - Apply directly

8. Massage oil  - Coconut oil is the perfect choice for a massage oil

9. Sunburn Care - A great moisturizer to use after you've gotten a bit too much sun.

10. Elbow Rub - Helps manage the dry skin on your elbows.

11. For Split Ends - Just put a tiny amount on your hands and run them through the frizzy areas.

12. Metabolism Booster - 2 tablespoons per day are proven to rev up your metabolism.

13. Thyroid Supporter - Regular coconut oil consumption has been shown to support healthy thyroid function.

14 Ultimate hair product - Work a small amount into your hair to tame it and produces well-defined waves and curls without greasiness. Do an overnight deep-condition.

15. Diaper and nipple cream - Apply it to your baby’s bottom for moisturizing and antibacterial treatment. If you’re nursing, use it in place of lanolin to treat sore nipples.

16. Dandruff – Massage coconut oil into the scalp to ease symptoms of dandruff, both itching and flaking.

17. Wrinkles – Rub into lines, creases, and wrinkles to rehydrate skin and soften those wrinkles away.

18.Gum Removal - Coconut oil gets the sticky stuff out of hair, carpet and anywhere else it doesen't belong.

19. Toothpaste – Mix 1 part coconut oil with 1 part baking soda and add a couple drops of peppermint oil. This makes a refreshing, natural toothpaste that whitens and cleans without added preservatives, fluoride, sweeteners, or other chemicals.

20. Polish Furniture – Coconut oil gives a protective shine to wood furniture. Just make sure you test it out on a small area to make sure you like the outcome.

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